Sunday, March 14, 2010

Good Friday

Friday, April 2, 2010 7:00 PM

Of all of the days on the Christian calendar, Good Friday is the one that tends to be the most difficult to observe. What is so “good” about Jesus’ dying on a cross, after all? The “good news” of the crucifixion is that the Easter Resurrection cannot happen without it. The central truth of Christian belief is that Jesus died for us on the cross and that he was raised from the dead. The Easter message has little to say to us if we have not experienced Good Friday.

Adults often have trouble with Good Friday and it is particularly difficult to observe this holy day with our children. We don’t want to frighten them. Yet, no matter how young they are, our children know that evil exists in the world. How much more important it is for Christian adults to invite our children to share the “good news” that in his dying for us, Jesus destroys not only death, but assures us that love - not evil – has the last word.

Our Good Friday worship this year will invite each of us – no matter our age – to join Jesus on his triumphal ride in Jerusalem, to be fed by him at the Last Supper and to have him wash our feet. We will carry his cross, wait with him in his tomb and finally, briefly, glimpse the Resurrected One.

This service is neither frightening nor maudlin. The events of Jesus’ last week and the accounts of his death and resurrection are told honestly, in accessible language, and with appropriate music. This is a deeply moving and powerful service that takes under an hour and is as meaningful for adults as it is for children.
We invite God’s children of all ages to join us for this worship service beginning in Hawes Hall at 7:00 PM. There will be a special activity for our children as we open, the choir will offer us their musical leadership and we will begin our journey to the cross with Jesus by walking to the Sanctuary together.

If you have any questions or would like some help discussing Holy Week with your children, please give Dr. Elizabeth Windsor a call (978-453-4351. EXT. 208) or send her an email (

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